Sunday, February 3, 2008

lit project work

How my family celebrate a festive?
During chinese new year eve, my mother wake up at around 6 in the morning to prepare dishes for praying the gods during the afternoon. when i come back from my school chinese new year celebratation, my mother will still be cooking the dishes, as there is alot of dishes. after praying, i will help my mother to place the dishes on to the dinning table. after i had eaten, my grandmother and my aunt will come to visit my house and also have their lunch in my house. then at night i will go to my grandmother house to have the reunion dinner. then we will play poker cards gambling with all our wealth. at night i will stay awake for the whole night and play my computer as chinese has a tradition that the long i stay awake for the night, the long my parents will lives.
then next day, in the morning i will go greet my parents with two oranges and then get red packets from them. then i will go to my granmother house to give her well wishes and get red packets from her and my aunt. after that alot of people will come to my grandmother house to greet her and i will also collect alot of red packets. at around 12 in the noon, my parents with my grandmother and aunt will go to a temple which i don't know and come back after one hour. At night i will go to my relative house and have my dinner there and again clollect alot of red packets.


ngrupert said...

How my family celebrate a festival??

During chinese new year eve, my mother will wake up at about 6am in the morning to prepare the things needed to pray to the gods. She will ask me to pray also. During the afternoon, she will go to the market to the market to do the final round of buying the things needed for the occasion. Then when all is finish. We will do what we do during normal days. When the big day comes. We will wake up early in the morning to recive the red packets from out parents. Then we wil go to my grandmother house for the reunion dinner. All my relatives will also come to her house. When everyone is here we will eat the dinner.

Daniel said...

How my Family celebrate the eve of Chinese new year?

During the eve, my family wakes up at around 730 am and go to the temple for some prayers and then after that, we head home, my mother shopping for the nights reunion dinner.

In the early afternoon, me and my siblings will try on our new clothes for the next day and then help my father set up the steamboat for the night. usually and most of the time we have a steamboat, but once we had a barbecue. We all sit down and eat, then after that we always take a walk around the neighbourhood, and I follow reluctatnly, for it is quite boring as it can last up to 2 hours walk. Then we all return home and watch the new year countdown.

Daniel said...

group members, Rupert, Daniel, Liang Da and Chuan yin.